Wednesday, April 20, 2011


There something to be said for a animal that ignores all fear and yields zero caution to even the most formidable opponents. Besides the fact they chases off Leopards, and shake off potent Puff Adder venom by taking a short nap, there is a lot to take away from such a fearless animal. I mean they aren’t the biggest, nor the strongest, or the fastest, so what sets them apart?? I think it’s the ability to look at any obstacle and take it head on, and conquer it no matter the risk. Now, I’m not saying to go chase a Cobra up a tree, but we all have mental and physical obstacles that loom over us causing doubt and negativity. Meet these challenges head on and you might surprise yourself. Be fearless.

Random thoughts
I attacked WOD 4 of sectionals on Saturday. This was definitely the most challenging WOD thus far; it was a 10 min AMRAP of 60 bar facing burpees-30 Overhead Squats-10 muscle ups. Talk about an obstacle….Jesus!! I finished out the day with 93reps and completed 3 muscle ups, a personal record for me. I missed the first four attempts but willed my non-gymnast ass up on those rings for the last 3. I’m so happy I pushed through when everything in my body was telling me to just stop. Bring out your inner Badger……FEARLESS

My Sports Training Program, AKA LEGIT Speed & Power is set to begin on June 6. My blog next week will have a full in depth look at the program.  And if you were wondering…..yes, it is too LEGIT to quit

Finally saw “The Fighter” and loved it. Christian Bale nailed the role of playing a washed up crack head. Mark Walberg was Mark Walberg again.

And finally, if there was any doubt in your mind…..Honey Badgers don’t give a shit.