Tues and FRI 6PM at CFRR
When you come into the EAST side of the box at CFRR you might of noticed some awesome chains up on the Strength board. These chains resemble the members journey through the levels of strength. As you meet the requirements of a specific benchmark you move your chain up a level on the strength board. (Or wear it around as proof you are a Strong SOB) Every member starts as a "Rookie" and moves their way first to "Strong" then to "Beast" and lastly to "FREAK" Each benchmark will become progressively harder to pass and require a spectrum of strength. WE LOVE LIFTING AWKWARD HEAVY STUFF. So traditional strength on a barbell or other typical movements doesn't alone label you as being strong. Having constant variety and balance in your Strength is what this program thrives on. The beautiful thing about lifting awkward objects is its a great change of pace, but also it will help you make advances in your strength on the typical movements...barbell, body weight, Kettle bells, and dumbbells. In turn making you a better all around CrossFit athlete.
LEGIT Benchmark EX
Pick 3 of 4
1. 10 Stones Ground to Shoulder Cap 1 1/2min
2. Bear Complex 205#
3. 20 Tire Flips cap 2min
4. Frat Party
15 Kegs from lap to Shoulder---------->Same
10 Kegs from lap to Shoulder---------->Same
5 Kegs from lap to shoulder------------>Same
Progressively adding weight from the 1st keg to the last.
The LEGIT benchmarks are the bread and butter of the program but these are test days. The real improvement is during the other classes. If a athlete doesn't pass a level of Strength (And chances are you won't on the 1st try : ) then they will keep working and re-test the next month. These benchmark are meant to test the individual and might take several times to pass. That's why I always say, "Getting stronger is a commitment and takes time". Instant results don't happen....sorry, but its true. If your serious about your training and becoming better, come talk to me about trying out a class.