Theres a certain point in every workout that you tell yourself, This really hurts..I have to stop..I can't do this..Air squats again!!(In a whiny voice lol) This threshold of pain is at different levels for everyone but one thing separates those when they get there, Toughness. You can slow down when you get there or you can push this threshold each time you WOD. Pushing it a little more each time will teach you a lot about yourself, your limits, and improve your CrossFit tremendously. Your body can do amazing things if your mind can overcome the mental battle.--Mark Manning
Now, I gotta toot my own horn. Look at the last sentence, that is a awesome quote by me haha. I gotta copyright that.
FRAN with a Stone??? Why not
Thats Right!!! FRAN with a Stone!! Saw this the other day and I knew that I would have to give it a shot. If yall haven't noticed I am a big believer in the benefits that lifting awkward objects does for any athlete. Theres a certain mental toughness it takes to move a big ass boulder but those that do it, quickly realize the benefits. The stone below weighs 96#. Although this dude could lift a 95# barbell with ease, this Stone creates a hell of a challenge to stabilize and move multiple times. Muscle control and Strength is tested to the max during these movements. Benefit?? Take any WOD and replace the weight you use whether it be a Kettle Bell or a barbell and use a Stone, Keg, or Sand bag. Then, talk to me...ROUGH : ) Everything will feel much easier once you move back to your regular weights.
Next week im doing this!! Thinking a helmet might be a good decision. GAME ON!!!
You the man Chuck!!! Congrats on all the Victories thus far. Check his success here-
But one question remains...Is this Bruce Willis??? OR Chuck Farr???
Thanks Ally for bringing this up. Hilarious!!!
Your body can do amazing things if your mind can overcome the mental battle.--Mark Manning
Toot toot!!!