Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Clearing my mind...Vacay Time!!


A healthy mind and outlook have huge benefits in just about every way and when I think about clearing my head and relaxing I think about the great outdoors. Most people enjoy a tropical place with umbrella drinks rollin in. Don't get me wrong, I love that too, but you can't beat breathing in pollution free air and seeing the natural wonders of the world. Those of you that know me pretty well know that i'm sort of a wildlife nerd so what a better place to go than Yellowstone National Park. August, 4th-11th im setting out on a road trip from Austin to Yellowstone and am spending the week checking out the spectacular scenery. So pumped to grow a sweet beard and be a mountain man!! Can't wait!!

OF course I might just have to hit a few WODs while i'm there. So this is prolly my best bet. Yellowstone CrossFit??

And just to convey the pure excitement I have for this trip. Check this out!!
I have a Iphone 4 and it has just two apps. Now, I am not a App skank. I am super picky with my apps because I think many are just a waste of time, money, and I don't get one without serious thought and evaluation. I have only 2 apps, so you know the 2 I have are near and dear to my heart. Here they are-
1. Atomic Fart....Don't judge until you download. Priorities people
2. Inside Yellowstone

Thats real...Boom!!! Ha!!

Those LEGIT boys just keep getting Stronger. Yesterday we had a Strength class working on heavy Cleans. 
We got to our one rep max and the following PR madness ensued 
Chuck 175 to 215
CY 205 to 225
Paul 225 to 235
Jonathon 135 to 165
Victor dropped in and got himself a 10#PR as well

This kind of progress and gains in Strength don't come easy. The LEGIT class has been dishing out some insanely challenging workouts for these guys to attack 2X a week and they always step up to the plate. They are eager to learn, hungry to be better, and most importantly they wanna be Honey Badger like!!! Great work guys!!

If yall keep getting PR's like this im gonna have to buy the ultimate PR horn.

Hells Yes!!

If you didn't get to take a look at it before heres my Stone Fran
Stone Thruster 96#
Pull ups
Hope yall enjoy my ya go.
This just about killed me. The combo of balance and strength required for this WOD took me a bit by surprise. TOUGH!!!