Friday, February 1, 2013

On a Mission for FREAKISH Strength


Most people come to the gym to sweat, look pretty, and talk about lulu(Sorry couldn't resist lol). Then there are a group of people that are just wired differently. They are there to better themselves through HARD ASS WORK. They dedicate themselves to something completely. They go all in and make no excuses. Every single class, every set, every rep is accomplished with solid effort and intensity.  Outside factors don't matter, when its game time they step up and consistently get after it.  All of the above is Victor, and the work he has put into Strength class has definitely paid off. Lets look at some numbers--
The lifts below are a series of different movements that test someones overall strength.

Before entering Strength class
Deadlift 375
Clean 205
Clean and Jerk 165
Front Squat 245
Bench Press 220

4 months later
Deadlift 430----55# PR
Clean 245---40# PR
Clean n Jerk 215---50# PR
Front Squat 300---55# PR
Bench 240---20# PR
Overall muscle gain---15LBs
You can't argue with those numbers. Just unreal 
Check this LEGIT Vid-- 

BTW that Tire weighs 850#!! Thats over 5X's his Body weight...NO big deal

You gotta give credit where credit is due. These results were earned through some serious work. Congrats on all the accomplishments Vic!!! Its been a pleasure making you into a swoll ass NinJa...Now on to "FREAK" status