Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Next Test

The Next Test-
I spent the last month lost in a fitness daze. My workouts were missing something... I would be exhausted after giving everything I had, but something wasn't there. I just didn't have the same drive and intensity during my WODs, and then it hit me. I had lost the "FIRE." The Half Ironman was a great test and a hell of an accomplishment, but it was over. I had been looking back instead of looking forward. Never have I realized how important goal setting is until this moment. I signed up for the All City Open in Dallas on December 10th. This is just what I needed. I had nothing on the horizon to look towards and train for. Once I clicked "Submit" I was BACK. Instantly I had that drive that I had been missing. Time to do work!!!
Finding something to shoot for is key to keep motivation and drive high. Without it we are sometimes going through the motions and don't even realize it. A "daze" can happen, combat that with goal setting. It doesn't matter what it is.... find something that motivates you, do whatever it takes to achieve it. Talk is'll never get there if you never try. Set those goals and Sic Em!!  

Random thoughts-
1. Pray for Longhorn Football. We need fan support more now than ever.

2. Boot Camp FFA was awesome!!! The Neon support made me very proud. We will definitely have more FFA's in the future. Keep that neon on stand by.

3. The ACO competition is 21 days from now. Happy to get back into the CrossFit swing of things.

4. Drop in classes this upcoming Mon and Tues get signed up.

5. Eat that Turkey!!! And have a great holiday.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

BOOT CAMP FFA!! And a Post Iron man Thought.

FAST PACE, ENERGETIC, FUN, FAT BURNING, CHALLENGING...these are just a few of the words to describe REBORN Boot Camp. If you haven't seen what were all about you need to come out to the first ever REBORN Boot Camp FFA workout this SAT at 8AM. This WOD is adaptable to all fitness levels and all movements can be scaled to the individual. Your guranteed one hell of a workout and some bright neon colors along the way. Spots are filling up fast....ONLY 5 left. So lets go people, hit me up at right meow!!

Post Iron Man thought-
Never in my life have I stepped out of my comfort zone like I did for the 70.3. Every mile of training was difficult, every mile of the race was tough, but I can say, there is nothing more exhilarating, more rewarding, than to battle for 6hrs 49mins and cross that finish line. Every bit of pain endured during the 3 months of training was completely worth it. It hasn't really sank in yet, but this was a huge stepping stone in my training and life. If i can do this then....what can't I do??? Challenge yourself every day and don't be afraid to reach high because you never know what you can accomplish. Whats stopping you?? Just yourself. Do it!!

I've posted this quote before but its too good to leave out.

-Quote of the week
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take". Wayne Gretzsky
Have a great week and Sic Em!!