Monday, January 30, 2012

24 days and counting

24 Days
CrossFit sectionals are coming up just around the corner and I couldn't be more excited. On Feb, 22 CrossFitters around the world will be starting their 6 week journey to try and qualify for Regionals competition. Elite, to Intermediate, to beginners will be giving their best shot at these killer WODs but only 60 from each region will make the cut. Last year I was a rookie in the open and finished right outside the top 60. I had a lot of holes in my game last year. Rings were foreign to me, nutrition was a afterthought, and my endurance was very average. Consistency across pathways and movements was my issue. I could move a barbell no problem but would struggle on any gymnastic movement and if your not a balanced athlete in this game you don't stand a chance. Quickly I learned I had to complete my game. Working on my weaknessess would be key if I wanted to better myself. I started training not just to train but to become better. Mission #1 Endurance- Trained my butt off and Completed the 70.3 Iron Man in October and concentrated on pace, breathing, and success in my longer WODs. Check!! Mission #2 Nutrition-Stopped eating junk and started eating for fuel. Lots of trial and error on the foods I was taking in but I found my balance. Check!! Mission #3 gymnastics- Rings have always been my cryptonite, but like anything else practicing over and over again and you get better. I did these movements again and again until I got them down. I could do 2 muscle ups in a row last year, now I can do 10. Check!! We are a little under a month away and im lean mean and hungry for this year sectionals to kick off. Consistent across all pathways and movements?? You damn right I am!! Im ready to break out the Boomsauce!!!!
Sic EM

Monday, January 23, 2012

FiTTest Games from a Spectator

This last weekend the FiTTest Games were in town and the atmosphere was ELECTRIC in the compound. The rustic building and the Yard with all its scrap added some rawness that embodied the spirit of CrossFit. Athletes across the states came together to compete. There was CrossFit games competitors but also first time competitors making a appearance. The experience was vast between competitors but the mission was the same, Win. Walking through the cramped main hall seeing people downing coconut water, broad jumping up and down, talking WOD strategy, fresh kicks and highs socks as far as the eye could see. Yeah, it was awesome and I'm glad to be a part of this community. Nothing quite like it. I started to get that nervous sweat before I compete but then remembered I was there to coach. Landon, Aggie, Anna, and Dom were inspiring, and had a outstanding outing. Proud of these guys for sure. I don't think people realize how stressful and hard it is to sign up for one of these things. I mean, what other Sport do you not know what your doing till the day before?? Its tough to prepare for "X". Overall couldn't be more proud of our CFRR team. They fought all day long and impressed throughout the day. I heard there was 30 something people that had stopped by during the competition to support our team. Unbelievable the support and love we have from our members, thank you guys. Overall, great event, great showing, and great Support. 

1. CrossFit sectionals is one month away. So pumped at this opportunity. Lights out!!!
2. Poor 49ers and Ravens, both had critical mistakes in the last couple mins. Cost em the Super Bowl.
3. Team Legit!! My Reborn challenge team is owning it!! Results will be mind blowing. 

Sic Em

Monday, January 16, 2012

24/7-Check this Vid

This is not something we just talk about, we live this stuff. It's a lifestyle!! We eat, drink, dream, CrossFit. Here at CFRR we don't take plays off, even at home. I wanna get better!!! And on a side note- Handstand walks through door ways is very difficult. HA!
Have a great MLK.

Monday, January 9, 2012


 There are many times when its easy to quit, take a break, or skip a rep, but what good does it do you?? Every CrossFitter only has a few hours a week in the box to better themselves so why not make the most out of every class. The accountability boards showed up this week at CFRR to help each member take a deeper look into there effort, attitude, and nutrition they put into the day. Its funny what a little self evaluation will do. Taking a step back and look...there are always many things you can improve on. Your mindset and the way you view everyday is so important to get you a life changing result. Look to conquer, look to better yourself, never get down, always rise up...Have the Eye of the Tiger.
Sic Em

With this Blog already taking a Tiger Theme I had to throw my 2 cents in. Below is a link to the Panthera website, they specialize in raising funds to help the conservation efforts for Big Cats. Big Cat population #'s are on a rapid them out. Check this out and if it touches you the way it did me feel free to donate. Every little bit helps. Gracias peps

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Time to Make a Change

A little over due but here's a little background into my story. The guy pictured below was a Whataburger eatin, beer drinking, dude. Triple meat triple cheese no problem, case of beers no problem, ranch dressing on everything and I mean everything. This was me after I had finished up with College Football and my fitness was at a all time low and my eating was at a all time high. Before I knew it my weight had climbed to 225 and I felt and looked terrible. In just a few months I looked into the mirror and thought "What happened to me" I was always decently FIT and was happy with my appearance but things had gotten out of hand. Football was over and there wasn't anything covering up my bad eating habits. I continued to lose and gain weight over the next few years, never really making any significant progress. Then I found it....Light Bulb.

         I attended a Free workout at GSX CrossFit in Fort Worth and did a WOD called "FRAN" I was swinging around on the pull bar like a retarded monkey and struggled going through the first 21 thrusters....rookie DNF. I remember, a older women next to me moving through the same WOD at a way faster pace than me and a smile on her face. She owned me....hahaha. I was wrecked for about a week and had the famous T-Rex arms from doing pull ups. I thought to myself...I'm terrible at this I have to get better. Being the competitive natured person I am I keep going back and got better and better n plus I couldn't go out getting smoked by this lady like that. Things got easier, a lot easier. I picked up the Paleo diet and combined it with my CrossFIT training, thats when the results starting coming in. Nutrition is #1 I found that out quickly. 

        2 years later here I am 199 lbs, 7% BF, FRAN 2:58, and ranch dressing free. I am Coaching CrossFit at CFRR with a amazing team and clients who inspire me each and every day. I truly am blessed and CrossFIT truly is a game changer. Happy new year and drink this Kool aid...its delicious. 

      Its 2012...time to make a change.