24 Days
CrossFit sectionals are coming up just around the corner and I couldn't be more excited. On Feb, 22 CrossFitters around the world will be starting their 6 week journey to try and qualify for Regionals competition. Elite, to Intermediate, to beginners will be giving their best shot at these killer WODs but only 60 from each region will make the cut. Last year I was a rookie in the open and finished right outside the top 60. I had a lot of holes in my game last year. Rings were foreign to me, nutrition was a afterthought, and my endurance was very average. Consistency across pathways and movements was my issue. I could move a barbell no problem but would struggle on any gymnastic movement and if your not a balanced athlete in this game you don't stand a chance. Quickly I learned I had to complete my game. Working on my weaknessess would be key if I wanted to better myself. I started training not just to train but to become better. Mission #1 Endurance- Trained my butt off and Completed the 70.3 Iron Man in October and concentrated on pace, breathing, and success in my longer WODs. Check!! Mission #2 Nutrition-Stopped eating junk and started eating for fuel. Lots of trial and error on the foods I was taking in but I found my balance. Check!! Mission #3 gymnastics- Rings have always been my cryptonite, but like anything else practicing over and over again and you get better. I did these movements again and again until I got them down. I could do 2 muscle ups in a row last year, now I can do 10. Check!! We are a little under a month away and im lean mean and hungry for this year sectionals to kick off. Consistent across all pathways and movements?? You damn right I am!! Im ready to break out the Boomsauce!!!!Sic EM