Monday, January 9, 2012


 There are many times when its easy to quit, take a break, or skip a rep, but what good does it do you?? Every CrossFitter only has a few hours a week in the box to better themselves so why not make the most out of every class. The accountability boards showed up this week at CFRR to help each member take a deeper look into there effort, attitude, and nutrition they put into the day. Its funny what a little self evaluation will do. Taking a step back and look...there are always many things you can improve on. Your mindset and the way you view everyday is so important to get you a life changing result. Look to conquer, look to better yourself, never get down, always rise up...Have the Eye of the Tiger.
Sic Em

With this Blog already taking a Tiger Theme I had to throw my 2 cents in. Below is a link to the Panthera website, they specialize in raising funds to help the conservation efforts for Big Cats. Big Cat population #'s are on a rapid them out. Check this out and if it touches you the way it did me feel free to donate. Every little bit helps. Gracias peps

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