Why do I CrossFit????
CrossFit is not a job its a lifestyle and we hear that all the time but it really needs to be taken as one. The main reasons i started to CrossFit in the first place was the competitive feel, the variety of WODs, the warm culture, but most of all it was fun to me. I thrive in doing the extremely difficult with a group of like minded masochists like myself. The crazy madness of a WOD is addicting like some Fruit Punch Spark...heyoo!! Fitness is not meant to be boring....we are meant to test our physical boundaries in fun and creative ways. Not just a simple routine we do cause we have to, but because we love it. During the open, I ate, slept, breathed, the OPEN. Its all I would think about...Whats the WOD gonna be this week??? I wonder if my carb intake was correct this week??? Why in the hell would they give us 7min of Burpees??? lol. The open turned into a job and the pressure of moving to 30th, then 70th, then back to 54th, then dropping out of the top 60. I was on a mental roller coaster that had completely worn me out. Instead of taking the time to say, Hey I did a 125 Burpees in 7min!! I was thinking about the 3 I had no rep-ed and why I just didn't do another rep in the final seconds and I would of moved up another 10 spots in the rankings. I was not having fun and it affected my mood and performance. This Sport is all about doing what you think is impossible, testing yourself daily, and having fun doing it. I had forgotten the number #1 reason I WOD....its to have a hell of a time with people I care for, and enjoy the crazy chaos that is CrossFit. Athletes, (Yes y'all are athletes :)...especially those who have been with us for some time. Remember why you do this and don't let this Sport turn into something you have to do. Always keep a smile on your face and take your victories in the box as a great accomplishment as you move forward. Cause you could be staring at a treadmill watching the calories go by.(Bad memories) Keep the fun in it and take pride in what you have accomplished.
Quote of the week
Don't poo-poo your effort. Revel in the knowledge that you gave it your all. Kevin Daigle
Love quotes that have potty humor but at the same time hit home. Quality!!! Thanks Kevin!!
Sic Em
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