Monday, August 20, 2012


The BEAST pictured above is Roy Robinson of my 6PM class. Roy does not like the spotlight or any sort of individual attention to be spent on him. He will be the first to dismiss praise on himself and give it someone else...Well, too bad my friend, because what you do in the box everyday needs to be the discussed and looked at. We did the WOD "Roy" last week and it was a asskicker
4 Rounds for Time
400 Meter Run
6 Deadlifts Pro: 315/225 Elite: 225/165 Intermediate: 185/135
24 Hand Release Push Up’s
Pressure was on because you don't wanna suck at your own WOD lol. Roy ended up smoking this workout in the fastest time of the day, clocking in at 12:15...that is blazing folks. A few things about Roy, he never complains, whines, or quits. He is a fighter every week in class and just WORKS no matter whats on the white board. This dude is just blue collar and gets it done every time. Proud to have you as part of the 6PM baller class, Roy. Keep doing your thang!!

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