Friday, July 22, 2011


CrossFit is the best fitness program there is, but there is always some downtime in your training. CrossFit programs run 2-3 maybe 4 days a week for your average CrossFitter... that leaves a lot of extra days your not in the Gym. So what are you doing on your days off?? These days can be so crucial for your fitness results. Being active on your off days is a great way to work out soreness but also to improve your fitness. Anything to get your body moving will be most beneficial in reaching your goals. I'm paddle boarding this Sunday on town lake…. anyone is welcome to come join in on the fun. Stuff like this is great on your days off to help combat a sedentary lifestyle. Its your life…LIVE IT!! Get out of the house, sweat, be active, it can only help. SIC EM...
Quote of the week:
"A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions."  - Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

Few Random thoughts
1. Iron man training has been kicking my butt. Not a runner...not a swimmer... not a biker... this is going to be a long 3 months. But I'm still confident. 

2. Operation Caveman is 1 day away from kick-off. Can't wait to transform into a Hunter-Gatherer.

3. Discovery Channels "Shark Week" is just 9 days away. If I don't call or text you back... you know why. 

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