Friday, October 7, 2011

Bring on the Pain

This is the moment when you always ask yourself, Wheres the closest Hospital?? Will I ever get off this dirty gym floor?? Is it normal for my arms to go numb?? Why did I combo sweet potatoes with tuna this morning?? Why the hell do i continue to do this to myself??

Many things come to mind after recovering from a brutal workout but when the pain subsides a sense of accomplishment overtakes your body.  Relief and Pride coincide with one another as you start to regain use of your limbs and pry yourself off the gym floor, because nothing you just did was easy. If it was easy everyone would be doing it. Take Pride every time you tackle a WOD cause along with all that pain comes the reward of doing what few can. Bring on the pain!!! It will all pay off. 
Be FIT and Sic Em.

Just one thought- Its 8:01 PM and OU still sucks. Have a great Weekend and Hook EM!!

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