Monday, February 6, 2012



If you ever think you have it tough Check this Vid out

This is one of the most inspiring things I have ever seen. Talk about a having a positive outlook. This guy faces more challenges in the first 10min of his day than most of us have in a entire month. Not to mention he just Beast-ed a CrossFit WOD and has aspirations to become a MMA fighter. It takes a moment like this to realize that anything really is possible. Optimism and the drive to conquer n achieve cannot be undervalued. Try and take this approach to your day and your workouts. Tap into your potential and SIC EM!!

1. Congrats to the Giants I guess, they stumbled through another regular season and got hot at the right time. Yeah, im bitter. Would of loved to see a Ravens vs 49ers game. 

2. I will be launching "LEGIT" Strength next month. This will be CrossFit class based solely on making a stronger CrossFit Athlete through all applications. Theres a strength movement in CrossFit right now, Athletes are required to lift heavier weight than ever before. If your strength holds you back in the box there's no excuse to not be in this class. More info to be released.

3. My Reborn Challenge Team is on fire!! LEGIT is not just a peeps are the real deal. BoomSauce!! 

4. Sneak peek into the WOD today- 10RDS baby!!

5. There really are no excuses. You want something, Got Get it. Period. 

Sic Em

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