Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Rampage 500# Jackson

500LB Dead lift

Shot this video last night during one of our meat head sessions (LEGIT Strength class) 

I wanna make a big deal of out of this. For one, its 500 freakin pounds which is impressive no matter who you are and for two, the work thats gone on to get to this point. You see a 12 sec clip of Ed getting a 500LB deadlift. I see over a year of dedication and blue collar hard work to get that lift. I always flash back to Ed's first WOD and remember him hitting about 10 KB swings before his back locked up on him. Only a couple of mins had gone by in the workout and he was DONE. You could see the disapointment and frustration on his face. The easy thing to do is to whine, complain, make excuses, and quit. Ed never took that route. He took it day by day and improved WOD by WOD making a little progress at a time. Plain and simple-- He worked his ass off for this!! Thats why its such a special moment. When you think about a success story you have to think about Ed. From the guy I saw a year ago to the guy I see today its a amazing result and a unbelievable change. Take your victory lap cause this a sweet moment in training that not many ever experience. Congrats brotha!!  #ManOnAMission


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A LEGIT Result-- Jonathan Samford

Jonathan SamFord AKA BALDHAWK is not a big "look at me" guy but his accomplishments, and work ethic, deserve a closer look. Jonathan came into LEGIT class 2 1/2 months ago. His max shoulder to overhead was 115# and his max power clean was 135#. Every month in LEGIT we test "GRACE"which is 30 Clean n Jerks for time @ 135# with a 8min CAP. Yesterday was our 3rd attempt through this WOD and Jonathan completed it 7:48RX. Now, lets put this into perspective... 2 1/2 months ago he couldn't lift 135# from ground to overhead one time. Yesterday, not only did he do it, but he did it 30X's and under 8mins!!! You talk about gaining some STRENGTH...Now thats LEGIT!!

LEGIT Strength is a mind set-
If you don't come in with the mentality that your about to get better and leave it all out in the box then your wasting your time. We lift heavy loads for over a hour in variety of ways, being mentally tough is a crucial attribute to becoming a Stronger you. You can't afford a bad day with only 8 sessions. Every class is a huge step in becoming a Stronger athlete. Jonathan's mind has always been right on. He wants to be better, he wants to be Stronger, he takes coaching and applies it to his WODs, and has benefitted greatly from it. Above is the 145# Stone. First week of LEGIT he couldn't pick it up once. He didn't get down on himself, he continued to work. At the last benchmark he lifted it ground to shoulder 7 times under 90sec. Awesome to see you keep getting better every month. Keep doing work Sir!!  

Above is South African 400m runner Oscar Pistorious. He runs on 2 prosthetic legs and competed in the Landon Olympics in the 400m Sprint and mile Relay. Im not a big fan of these corny sayings and FB posts like this but this one really hit home for me. This man has tremendous heart and charactor not to mention he is the sixth fastest man on the planet at 400m. Unbelievable what he is able to accomplish with the disability he has. Check this VID--Beyond Reason

If your not impressed punch yourself in the face right now lol. Freakin Amazing!!

I know this a little overdue but I am only a inspired writer when the moment strikes so here ya go. Overall, this was a very relaxing, well needed trip for me. Im not much of a fly fisherman but this was one of the most memorable moments. Me, the river, and my rod n reel. If you wanna see some amazing wildlife and beautiful scenery take a trip to Yellowstone. I promise you, you won't be disappointed. Also, check my facebook page for some of the other sweet pics.

For the Record--
A few people have mentioned that I have some really cute capris on here. For the record, it was hot and I had to roll up my pants. 

Have a great week!! And bring your Spirit Animal.


Monday, August 20, 2012


The BEAST pictured above is Roy Robinson of my 6PM class. Roy does not like the spotlight or any sort of individual attention to be spent on him. He will be the first to dismiss praise on himself and give it someone else...Well, too bad my friend, because what you do in the box everyday needs to be the discussed and looked at. We did the WOD "Roy" last week and it was a asskicker
4 Rounds for Time
400 Meter Run
6 Deadlifts Pro: 315/225 Elite: 225/165 Intermediate: 185/135
24 Hand Release Push Up’s
Pressure was on because you don't wanna suck at your own WOD lol. Roy ended up smoking this workout in the fastest time of the day, clocking in at 12:15...that is blazing folks. A few things about Roy, he never complains, whines, or quits. He is a fighter every week in class and just WORKS no matter whats on the white board. This dude is just blue collar and gets it done every time. Proud to have you as part of the 6PM baller class, Roy. Keep doing your thang!!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Some LOVE for my Peeps

I truly enjoy coaching n working with people and pushing them towards their goals. This job has been a blessing for me and has helped me become a stronger person inside and out. I have enjoyed every second working with each and every one of you and it jacks me up to see all my members achieve greatness. Have ya'll ever noticed that i'm more excited about your PR usually than you are?? lol Watch this clip of this coach celebrating after his athlete nails this landing. Def me right there. Awesome!!

Here's a list of members that have been training with me for 6 months or more. 
Ross Lucksinger
Angie Nutt
Michelle Hall 
Lisa Meyer
Beth Wilhelmi 
Alison Stone
Debbie Deyoung
Debbie Zamora
Sara Savoy
Radona Wagner
Travis Hobson
David Milton
Erin Byrne 
Danielle Cordaway
Jonathan Edwards
Travis Colvin
Ken Asklund
Paul Martinez 
Roy Robinson
Mercedes Parada 
Janna BONA!!
CY Libersat
Chuck Farr
Steve Wappler
Christian Knaak 
Jason BIG FLEX Fannin
Ed Jackson 
Katherine Bayer 
Danny Bryant 
Jonathan Samford 
Jordan Zercher
Kaveh Azarnoush 

Just wanted to say Thanks to everyone who has made this such a amazing experience. I hope I have impacted your life as much as yall have mine. So raise your coconut waters up!!  Here's to many more bad jokes, great WODs, and achievements...Cheers!! I will be posting members highlights for the next several months to give a more detailed look into the awesome stuff were knocking out.

If you didn't see it here's a insanely awesome LEGIT it!! It gives you a peek into how we are get really freaking strong.

A few random thoughts


2. A few years ago you couldn't catch me watching gymnastics during the olympics. Now, its prolly may favorite thing to watch. Thank you CrossFit!!

3. How come China is so great at sports you have never heard of??

4. 1 day to Yellowstone!! Woo woo!!

5. Shout out to my girl Erin Byrne of the 5:30AM class for getting her first kipping pull up this morning. Many more to come...Early morning Baller!!

6. Someone presented me with this question and it blew my mind. Who would win in a fight between 10 UFC fighters vs a Grizzly bear?? Think about

7. My beard is ready for the mountains. 

Quote of the week-- Defeat is not the worst of failures. Not to have tried is the true failure. -George Woodberry

Off to YellowStone NP

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Clearing my mind...Vacay Time!!


A healthy mind and outlook have huge benefits in just about every way and when I think about clearing my head and relaxing I think about the great outdoors. Most people enjoy a tropical place with umbrella drinks rollin in. Don't get me wrong, I love that too, but you can't beat breathing in pollution free air and seeing the natural wonders of the world. Those of you that know me pretty well know that i'm sort of a wildlife nerd so what a better place to go than Yellowstone National Park. August, 4th-11th im setting out on a road trip from Austin to Yellowstone and am spending the week checking out the spectacular scenery. So pumped to grow a sweet beard and be a mountain man!! Can't wait!!

OF course I might just have to hit a few WODs while i'm there. So this is prolly my best bet. Yellowstone CrossFit??

And just to convey the pure excitement I have for this trip. Check this out!!
I have a Iphone 4 and it has just two apps. Now, I am not a App skank. I am super picky with my apps because I think many are just a waste of time, money, and I don't get one without serious thought and evaluation. I have only 2 apps, so you know the 2 I have are near and dear to my heart. Here they are-
1. Atomic Fart....Don't judge until you download. Priorities people
2. Inside Yellowstone

Thats real...Boom!!! Ha!!

Those LEGIT boys just keep getting Stronger. Yesterday we had a Strength class working on heavy Cleans. 
We got to our one rep max and the following PR madness ensued 
Chuck 175 to 215
CY 205 to 225
Paul 225 to 235
Jonathon 135 to 165
Victor dropped in and got himself a 10#PR as well

This kind of progress and gains in Strength don't come easy. The LEGIT class has been dishing out some insanely challenging workouts for these guys to attack 2X a week and they always step up to the plate. They are eager to learn, hungry to be better, and most importantly they wanna be Honey Badger like!!! Great work guys!!

If yall keep getting PR's like this im gonna have to buy the ultimate PR horn.

Hells Yes!!

If you didn't get to take a look at it before heres my Stone Fran
Stone Thruster 96#
Pull ups
Hope yall enjoy my ya go.
This just about killed me. The combo of balance and strength required for this WOD took me a bit by surprise. TOUGH!!! 


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Your body can do amazing things if your mind can overcome the mental battle.


Theres a certain point in every workout that you tell yourself, This really hurts..I have to stop..I can't do this..Air squats again!!(In a whiny voice lol) This threshold of pain is at different levels for everyone but one thing separates those when they get there, Toughness. You can slow down when you get there or you can push this threshold each time you WOD. Pushing it a little more each time will teach you a lot about yourself, your limits, and improve your CrossFit tremendously. Your body can do amazing things if your mind can overcome the mental battle.--Mark Manning 
Now, I gotta toot my own horn. Look at the last sentence, that is a awesome quote by me haha. I gotta copyright that. 

FRAN with a Stone??? Why not
Thats Right!!! FRAN with a Stone!! Saw this the other day and I knew that I would have to give it a shot. If yall haven't noticed I am a big believer in the benefits that lifting awkward objects does for any athlete. Theres a certain mental toughness it takes to move a big ass boulder but those that do it, quickly realize the benefits. The stone below weighs 96#. Although this dude could lift a 95# barbell with ease, this Stone creates a hell of a challenge to stabilize and move multiple times. Muscle control and Strength is tested to the max during these movements. Benefit?? Take any WOD and replace the weight you use whether it be a Kettle Bell or a barbell and use a Stone, Keg, or Sand bag. Then, talk to me...ROUGH : ) Everything will feel much easier once you move back to your regular weights.
Next week im doing this!! Thinking a helmet might be a good decision. GAME ON!!!

You the man Chuck!!! Congrats on all the Victories thus far. Check his success here-
But one question remains...Is this Bruce Willis??? OR Chuck Farr??? 
Thanks Ally for bringing this up. Hilarious!!! 

Your body can do amazing things if your mind can overcome the mental battle.--Mark Manning
Toot toot!!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A look back at that Damn Vest

A look back at that Damn Vest

Adios Vest!!!!
Now that I am free from prison AKA my time in the Vest. I have to say, Glad thats over!! I feel so much lighter and faster now in my WODs. I almost want to go frolock in a meadow somewhere....too much??? haha. But the other part of me has mad respect for that vest because as bad as a WOD can be,  it can always get much worse. When people say, that workout was the worst thing thats ever happened to me.... please put on a weighted vest, and believe me, it can get worse. It really teaches you about your limits and how you manage pain is so much of a mental battle. Overall, it was grueling, and the competition was a tough challenge but I did my best and im happy with it. So many people came out to support me and im so lucky to have such strong support team up at CFRR. I just wanna say, Thanks!!! As i went by on my laps of the 5K, I wanted to stop to walk so bad(Especially on the HILL of WHOA!! Which make the Hesters hill look like CrossFit Kids) but seeing others cheer me on kept me going. Thanks to all again!!

Next in the Vest--Travis Colvin of my 6pm is taking it on this month in all his classes not matter the WOD. Give him your support....its no joke!!

Just a Tip
 Im feeling very motivational today so beware here it comes. So many people asked me why would you do a competition like the combine?? I always said, because it was a great challenge. This was never about winning or losing for me. I could really care less. All the hours of training and the Comp was about testing my self to the max. I could of easily looked at the workouts and said, Hell No!! Im not a runner. Im not a endurance athlete and Box jumps hurt my knee, but i didn't. I knew this comp didn't play to my strengths as a athlete but I continueed on because of the challenge. All these things make me a better athlete and strengthin my charactor. Don't afraid to take the next step because your not gonna win. Its not about winning. Its about making yourself better and overcoming obstacles. Period.

Video of the week--- A amazing story of a wounded veteran deciding to make a change. Thanks for the Vid Ross!!
 Tear up??? It got me

LEGIT Strength Shout out of the week---
During our Benchmarks the Strength class Athletes have to complete 3 of 4 different Strength tests to move up a level in class. CY, is one of my members that has one speed....Full!!! He always brings it but this the Beast Benchmark and it will be no easy test.
10 Tires Flip on the Beast Tire----Weight 550LBs---Cap 2min
First attempt at the WOD he does 8 and collaspes out of exhaustion. This was WOD 1 out of 3 to 4. I have never doubted CY as a Athlete but just out of pure observation I thought we needed to continue to train before he would be ready to tackle the BEAST Benchmark. We talked strategy and he rested and said, Im gonna lift that tire!!! Maybe not in those same words but you get the point. He goes in and does the 10 reps with 30 sec to spare and completes the other two tests of strength to move his chain up the board....I was speechless. It was like out of a movie. CY is what the LEGIT class is all about. Overcoming failure and getting back up on that horse or under that 550LB Tire in this case and killin it!!! If you want it bad can always overcome. Proud of you man.


Monday, May 7, 2012

20LB challenge and Attitude = Results

 Week #3
Talk about a tough 3 weeks....damn. For those of you that didn't know this vest has been attached to me for every WOD for the last 3 weeks. No matter the workout, I put it on. It weighs 20Lb, although sometimes feels like a hundred. But i'll tell you stronger for doing it. Can't wait for the 26th to Beast out on the Combine WODs. Heres the competition if you haven't seen it.

Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
24 inch Box Jump, 12 reps
95 pound Thruster, 6 reps
6 Bar-facing burpees
50 Strict Pull-ups
100 Push-ups, release hands from floor at the bottom
Run 5K

LEGIT Update-
I just wanna say...I got some animals in the LEGIT Strength class. These guys have busted their tails and have seen some significant strength improvements. Proud coach here but we aint done yet fellas. Strength is the name of the game...LEGIT!!!!!

Just a thought here----
Most people do 3 WODs a week so that breaks down to about 60min of actual CrossFit work in a week.(At the most) Not much time to mess around. Point is...get your mind right when you step in the box. Attitude and effort directly relates to results. Why just go through the motions??? Thats a waste of time. Use that time wisely and you'll see the BIG pay off.

Check this Vid 

This is hilarious becuase when I use to work at Big Cat Rescue I remember the Cats getting super excited about the kid tours. People would say, Awwwww....I think he likes my son!!! And i would say, Yep he sure does....haha.

Dear, 20LB Vest
I hate you!!!
Mark Manning

Friday, April 20, 2012


The CrossFit Regionals is now just over a week away and with the WODs released the reality of the event really sets in. My homie Landon has been training his ass off this entire year to put forth the best athlete he can next weekend. Athletes put a ton of pressure on themselves and Landon is the same. Besides the internal pressure he puts on himself theres also the external pressure of thinking you have let others down by underperforming, but this pressure is non existent and let me tell you why. Its a hell of a honor to even make the top 60. The region was as competitive as its ever been this year. A few guys that went top 10 last year cant even be found on the leader board this year. And the external pressure?? There is none. Everyone just wants to be a part of this journey with you no matter the result. Also, think about all the hours of training, now that was difficult. All the work is behind you, nows the the fun part....Regionals!! Thats why we CrossFit in the first place, to have fun right??? Your in a nothing to lose situation and CFRR is behind you 100%!!! The only thing left to do is to.....Bring tha SAUCE!!!
BTW if you google meat sauce this is the first thing that comes up so I guess whatevers in this bowl is the real deal.


Monday, April 16, 2012


 The CrossFit open has been over for some time now but training and improving as a athlete hasn't stopped.  Especially if you strive for greatness and your just a little crazy....think I fall under both these categories. So a 20 LB vest??? Why?? Well the challenge is to take your normal training regiment and add a 20 LB vest to every workout you do no matter what it is for 1 month time. The idea is that if you do everything with this extra weight, that when you take off that weight you feel lighter, quicker, and stronger. Kinda like how a boxer will train with heavier gloves than what he will actually fight in. Then in the fight he will have a feeling of lighter, faster hands. As anyone that CrossFits knows, its a mental battle from the beginning of a WOD all the way through. Any kind of mental edge you can gain during these grueling workouts, you take it.

The other reason im putting myself through this madness is "The Crucible at the Combine Competition" On May 26th Its a 2 WOD event benefitting the Wounded Warriors Fund. Heres the WODS-
50 Strict Pullups
100 Push ups
5K Run

12min AMRAP
6 Thrusters 95/65
6 Bar facing Burpees
12 Box jumps 20/24

They also have a BEAST division where you do all of the above with a weighted vest. You know im going BEAST!!! What a great way to give back to those who have sacrificed so much. I'll keep all updated and anyone that wants to share some of the pain...sign on up at the link above : )

"A Test of Strength Benefitting those that have Proven it"

Friday, April 6, 2012

Why do I CrossFit???

Why do I CrossFit????

CrossFit is not a job its a lifestyle and we hear that all the time but it really needs to be taken as one. The main reasons i started to CrossFit in the first place was the competitive feel, the variety of WODs, the warm culture, but most of all it was fun to me. I thrive in doing the extremely difficult with a group of like minded masochists like myself. The crazy madness of a WOD is addicting like some Fruit Punch Spark...heyoo!! Fitness is not meant to be boring....we are meant to test our physical boundaries in fun and creative ways. Not just a simple routine we do cause we have to, but because we love it. During the open, I ate, slept, breathed, the OPEN. Its all I would think about...Whats the WOD gonna be this week??? I wonder if my carb intake was correct this week??? Why in the hell would they give us 7min of Burpees??? lol. The open turned into a job and the pressure of moving to 30th, then 70th, then back to 54th, then dropping out of the top 60. I was on a mental roller coaster that had completely worn me out. Instead of taking the time to say, Hey I did a 125 Burpees in 7min!! I was thinking about the 3 I had no rep-ed and why I just didn't do another rep in the final seconds and I would of moved up another 10 spots in the rankings. I was not having fun and it affected my mood and performance. This Sport is all about doing what you think is impossible, testing yourself daily, and having fun doing it. I had forgotten the number #1 reason I WOD....its to have a hell of a time with people I care for, and enjoy the crazy chaos that is CrossFit. Athletes, (Yes y'all are athletes :)...especially those who have been with us for some time. Remember why you do this and don't let this Sport turn into something you have to do. Always keep a smile on your face and take your victories in the box as a great accomplishment as you move forward. Cause you could be staring at a treadmill watching the calories go by.(Bad memories) Keep the fun in it and take pride in what you have accomplished.

Quote of the week

Don't poo-poo your effort. Revel in the knowledge that you gave it your all. Kevin Daigle
Love quotes that have potty humor but at the same time hit home. Quality!!! Thanks Kevin!! 
Sic Em

Friday, March 30, 2012

Put That Chain on my NECK!! Randomness and a lil LEGIT

When you come into the EAST side of the box at CFRR you might of noticed some awesome chains up on the Strength board. These chains resemble the members journey through the levels of strength. As you meet the requirements of a specific benchmark you move your chain up a level on the strength board. (Or wear it around as proof you are a Strong SOB) Every member starts as a "Rookie" and moves their way first to "Strong" then to "Beast" and lastly to "FREAK" Each benchmark will become progressively harder to pass and require a spectrum of strength. WE LOVE LIFTING AWKWARD HEAVY STUFF. So traditional strength on a barbell or other typical movements doesn't alone label you as being strong. Having constant variety and balance in your Strength is what this program thrives on. The beautiful thing about lifting awkward objects is its a great change of pace, but also it will help you make advances in your strength on the typical movements...barbell, body weight, Kettle bells, and dumbbells. In turn making you a better all around CrossFit athlete.

LEGIT Benchmark EX
Pick 3 of 4

1. 10 Stones Ground to Shoulder Cap 1 1/2min

2. Bear Complex 205#

3. 20 Tire Flips cap 2min

4. Frat Party
 15 Kegs from lap to Shoulder---------->Same
10 Kegs from lap to Shoulder---------->Same
 5 Kegs from lap to shoulder------------>Same

Progressively adding weight from the 1st keg to the last.

The LEGIT benchmarks are the bread and butter of the program but these are test days. The real improvement is during the other classes. If a athlete doesn't pass a level of Strength (And chances are you won't on the 1st try : ) then they will keep working and re-test the next month. These benchmark are meant to test the individual and might take several times to pass. That's why I always say, "Getting stronger is a commitment and takes time". Instant results don't happen....sorry, but its true. If your serious about your training and becoming better, come talk to me about trying out a class. 

Quote of the week-
I'm pissed off for greatness....and if you aint pissed off for greatness than your ok with being mediocre.
-Ray Lewis

Check out this vid!!! It pumped me up...too bad he wasted it on a NIT team

1. Congrats to my Strength members Travis, Dustin, and Paul for completing their first level of strength. Your not Rookies anymore gentlemen!! BEAST is next and expect a BEASTLY test at the end of next month. 

2. We got a hell of a FFA WOD tomorrow. If you haven't signed up we got a few spots left in the 8AM class. The WOD is in honor of Coach Laura from CrossFit Kemah. Shes been battling Lou Gehrig's Disease. She still manages to program and help with overall running of the box. Truly amazing. Check out their Facebook page and give it a LIKE. 

3. My homie Landon Adams is taking on Regionals at the end of April. There will be tons of elite competition there but I like his chances. They say, "A man can only go as far as his Team" and I know this is a individual event but the training isn't. Intensity and competition makes a man and I'll supply both in the upcoming training WODs. You'll be ready!!! I'll promise you that.....Games Bound

4. Here's a article of some dude that had a few too many green beers on Saint Patty's day. You can thank me later.


Monday, March 26, 2012



I remember when Erin first joined my 6pm class. She didn't know much about CrossFit but from day one I knew I was getting a hard worker in my class. Fast forward and Erin's been at CrossFit Round Rock for more than 10 months and her change is remarkable. She used to survive WODs, now I watch her attack them. Erin is never afraid to get better. Which is a great quality to have. Never worrying about the clock during her WODs and taking a step everyday to take her CrossFit game to the next level. Less bands....more weight....each WOD working on what she needed to do to progress through the movements. She would probably never let anyone know, but the last few months she has been dealing with a nagging ankle injury which requires surgery. I could tell the pain she was going through even to do high knees and jumping jacks in the warm-up. She's been dealing with this for at least the last 3 months and I've never heard her complain once. She still keeps the same intensity and drive as she did before, meanwhile fighting through the pain. Talk about being mentally!! She even hit some PR's this last week by pressing 110# Overhead. Boom!!!!!

This is her last week at CFRR and I will say, I will miss the bright colors and positive attitude you always bring into the box. If you don't know Erin you need to get to know her quick this next week cause she's someone you could take notes to fight, persevere, and stay positive....Thats her Game!! Erin, its been a pleasure coaching and watching you grow in class each week. Good Luck and I appreciate all your hard work!!! CFRR 4 Life!!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Seize the moment

Seize The Moment

12min AMRAP (Imagine that)
150 Wall Ball
90 Du's
30 muscle ups

This WOD is insane!!! I think I've seen only one person get through the 1st round. 150 wall balls is a WOD in its own right. The competition has been extremely fierce this year. Think I saw 3-4 guys that went top 10 last year that arn't even in the top 60 right now. Right now, I sit 54th in the region with 2 WODs to go. They take the top 60 to San Antonio for regionals. So it all comes down to these last two WODs. Rings has never been my strong suit but I can't look at it that way. All I can do is be confident in my abilities and fight like hell for 12mins. Come in tomorrow to cheer us on at CFRR. I'll def need some motivational words when I get to those rings.

The REBORN Challenge

Something for you Challenge folks to munch on- The REBORN challenge was a great experience. So happy for all the teams but this is only the beginning. The real test happens after the challenge. Challengers, you don't have the external accountability any more. Its up to you to hold yourself accountable for the way you eat and the work you put in. We always say it, but ill reiterate it. Its a lifestyle, not a diet. Make it one and you'll continue to see progress. If you don't, you'll be back were you were before. That's the cold hard facts. Theres my tough love for today : )

CrossFitters from around the world lifted more than a quarter of a billion pounds. That’s more than 12 Eiffel Towers, 18,000 elephants, or 866 blue whales. 

Reborn Challengers- You are on top of the mountain!! 'take a step back and look at all you accomplished.

There is a restaurant named BACON... i need to go there. Bacon everything!!

Got a sweet surpise for the Strength class. Its time to party!!!

If you ever have a chance to watch the E60 ESPN of Patrick Willis DO IT!! You'll be shocked by his story. The dude didn't even have running water to drink until he was 10 he was working to support his younger brothers and sisters. Absoluely amazing.

Have a great Weekend